ResumeParser API Guide
Learn how to use our API to parse resumes. Follow the guidelines below to make successful API calls.
API Endpoint Details
Method: POST
Required Headers
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Body Requirements
- file: required (file) - The resume file to be parsed.
- webhookUrl: required (string) - The URL to receive the parsing results.
- candidatureId: optional (string) - An identifier for the specific application.
- 202 AcceptedThe resume processing has been initiated.
- 400 Bad RequestInvalid input or missing file.
- 500 Internal Server ErrorFailed to forward the request.
API Call Example
Select your preferred language and copy the example code to get started with our API.
2 curl -X POST \
3 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
4 -H "X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
5 -F "file=@/path/to/resume.pdf" \
6 -F "webhookUrl=" \
7 -F "candidatureId=12345"
Webhook Data Format
When the resume parsing is complete, a comprehensive data structure will be sent to the provided webhook URL. This structure includes detailed information about the candidate's profile, experiences, education, skills, and more.
Key Data Points
Formation Niveau (Education Level)
Sans diplôme, Brevet des collèges, CAP, BEP, BAC PRO, BAC, BAC +1 to BAC +8, Autre
Experience Niveau (Experience Level)
Débutant, 1 à 3 ans, 3 à 5 ans, 5 à 10 ans, Plus de 10 ans
Type Contrat (Contract Type)
CDI, CDD, Intérim/Mission, Stage, Alternance, Freelance/Indépendant, Bénévolat/Associatif, Autre, Non renseigné
Secteur Metier (Professional Sector)
Achat, Administratif, Agricole, Agroalimentaire, Architecture, and many more
Langue Niveau (Language Level)
Bilingue ou langue natale, Capacité professionnelle complète, Capacité professionnelle, Capacité professionnelle limitée, Notions, Non renseigné
Type Competence (Skill Type)
Compétence interpersonnelle, Compétence technique, Logiciel maîtrisé
The webhook data includes detailed information about the candidate's personal information, work experiences, education, professional sector, languages, skills, certifications, and interests. Dates are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, and boolean values are used for fields like current employment or ongoing education.